Why two search boxes?

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Why two search boxes?

Post by danieltj »

In the header nabber there are two search boxes, one is the default phpBB search and the other is a custom Google search box that basically searches Google for whatever your query is.

My question is; why?

Personally I don't think it should be there as it's taking up space and people would in theory just use their browsers omnibox but I'm just ultimately curious... why is it there? Is there a use case I haven't thought of?
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Re: Why two search boxes?

Post by bonelifer »

The CSE is keyed to phpbbmodders.com/.net, *.phpbb.com/* and github. Will probably add the International Support Boards as well. Most people aren't going to go out and sign up for a Programmable Custom Search Engine from Google, as most people don't realize the option exists. Would like to remove the builtin from navbar. Using HifiKabin's navbar to move it there Will just go in and edit the navbar code to remove it, since it is still accessible from the Quick Links menu.

note: and done.
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Fred Rimbert
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Re: Why two search boxes?

Post by Fred Rimbert »

You don't need the Hifikabin's navbar because this function is already provided in the Google Search extension.
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